Sustainability Partnership
The South Lanarkshire Sustainability Partnership was established to enable partners and communities to work together to protect and enhance South Lanarkshire’s natural environment and coordinate local action on climate change issues.
The principle aim of the partnership is achieving quality of life and wellbeing in a balanced and sustainable way and that people can enjoy the benefits of a high quality environment in South Lanarkshire.
Other Community Planning themed groups are predominantly engaged more in social and economic development issues so it is inevitable that the Sustainability Partnership will have a particular focus on environmental issues to help achieve an overall balance.
Its key goals are to promote sustainable development, provide an overview of the environmental conditions affecting local residents and help coordinate local action on climate change.
In 2010, our community planning partners all signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration. The declaration is a commitment that partners will take action to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions, work together to reduce emissions across South Lanarkshire and mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.
The remit of the Sustainability Partnership is to:
Provide a collaborative approach to sustainable development and contribute to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and national targets in relation to climate change.
Ensure that sustainable development is embedded within Community Planning Partnership activity and that other themed partnerships are contributing to the UN's SDGs.
Scrutinise performance monitoring in relation to sustainable development outcomes for the Community Planning Partnership.
There are key services and partnerships that support the aims of the Sustainability Partnership:
South Lanarkshire Biodiversity Partnership
To develop, manage delivery of and review South Lanarkshire’s Local Biodiversity Action Plans.
Co-ordinate and oversee a programme of physical improvements to urban green spaces and build community capacity.
Lanarkshire Green Health Partnership
Further develop links between attractive and accessible green spaces and community health and wellbeing.
South Lanarkshire Outdoor Access Forum
To raise awareness of outdoor access and to develop South Lanarkshire's Core Paths Plan.
Key documents:
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy 2017-22 and Carbon Management Plan 2016-17
South Lanarkshire Council Climate Change Duties Report 2017-18
Forestry Commission Scotland Climate Change Programme
SEPA's 'Our Climate Challenge'
South Lanarkshire's Biodiversity Strategy 2018-2022