The remit of the Youth Partnership (Corporate Connections Board) is to:
- agree and review the priorities of the Youth Strategy through engagement with young people, recognising their changing needs
- ensure partners fully engage with service users in the delivery, development and evaluation of services
- monitor and evaluate progress against targets within the annual youth action plans and associated youth partnership Partnership Improvement Plan, recording the outcomes achieved by young people
- progress systems to increase the involvement of young people in the development of their communities
- champion the wider achievement and attainment of young people, contributing to the delivery of Curriculum for Excellence
- promote and develop volunteering of young people within communities
- develop and monitor systems to improve young peoples' access to services and service information
- work in partnership to avoid duplication of services, maximise opportunities for young people and develop prevention/intervention strategies to service delivery
- inform partners of national and local policy changes and support the implementation within service delivery including CLD Strategic Guidance and the National Youth Work Strategy
- identify and promote models of good practice in relation to services for young people
- Widen representation of young people within planning and decision making structures across South Lanarkshire
- support the work of the sub structures
The Partnership meets every eight weeks and membership consists of:
- NHS Lanarkshire
- Police Scotland
- Regen:fx
- Scottish Fire and Rescue
- Skills Development Scotland
- South Lanarkshire Council
- South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture
- South Lanarkshire Youth Council
- VASLan (Community and Voluntary Sectors)
The sub-groups of the Youth Partnership are:
- Regen:fx
- No Knives Better Lives