Youth Strategy Priorities
Priority 1 - Health and Wellbeing
“As the issues make you/put you in a vulnerable position which has a massive impact on your life and who you are and who you want to be as a person” (young person, aged 16).
Through a joint partnership approach, we will further support and develop the health and wellbeing of young people, meeting their outcomes, addressing inequalities and improving their confidence and wellbeing.
Key issues:
Feeling safe/living safely
We will work to address young people's concerns and help identify solutions that support young people to feel safe and live safely. We will support young people to voice their concerns and to help develop actions to address this issue.
We will review information and services available to young people to ensure that they get the right support, at the right time, as and when they need it.
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender)
We will work with young people to develop existing services and to promote support and access to wider services to meet their needs.
Anti social behaviour
We will work with young people to review existing alternatives and identify new positive alternatives.
Mentally feeling well
We will strengthen the role of young people in all aspects of health and wellbeing to ensure that they are central to the development and delivery of support that meets the identified needs of young people.
Sport and Leisure
We will work with young people to support their access to new and existing leisure and sport opportunities; exploring the development of new opportunities.
Positive images of young people
We will positively promote young people in their communities and in the press to celebrate their successes and their key role in the life of our communities.
Territorialism – breaking down barriers
We will work with young people in their communities to seek positive solutions to safety concerns where they live.
Bullying/Cyber bullying
We will work with young people to review and address this negative issue, seeking to improve positive mental health and wellbeing and resilience.
Good Practice
See Me Pledge
Supporting the Health and Wellbeing of young people in South Lanarkshire, the Youth Partnership signed the See Me pledge to register their action plan, helping the campaign to end the stigma and discrimination experienced by people with mental health problems.
In doing so, the Youth Partnership has committed itself to promote the anti-stigmatisation message among partners’ organisations, raise awareness of the scheme at public events held by the partnership, promote health and wellbeing training and strengthen the partnership’s responsibility to young people in South Lanarkshire.
Youth Learning Services as a partner within the Youth Partnership has subsequently signed the pledge for its service.