
The Getting It Right For South Lanarkshire’s Children Partnership strives to recognise that all children and young people in South Lanarkshire require the right support at the right time.  Our Children’s Services partners are committed to working together to get it right for every child, young person and family in South Lanarkshire.

Our approach is to focus on the need to target our services to where there is the greatest need.  For approximately 80% of our children, universal services offer the support necessary to ensure positive outcomes are achieved.  However, some children and young people need extra help.  Inequalities in health and attainment exist between children and young people from our more deprived communities when compared to those from our least deprived.  These inequalities also exist in specific vulnerable groups e.g. care experienced children and young people and young carers.

We aim to use our combined resources effectively to ensure we deliver services which promote wellbeing, prevent adversity and provide the right help at the right time to those who need it.  This will include the targeting of support to children, young people and families living in the most deprived communities and as a result our Plan seeks to embed this work to tackle poverty and inequality within the shared partnership approach.

Through effective partnership working the GIRFSLC Partnership Board has agreed actions and developments which will help achieve the vision and ambition to ensure:

‘Children, young people and families will be safeguarded and supported to reach their full potential and thrive within their communities.’

This vision is underpinned by a commitment to:

  • Tackling inequality, discrimination and poverty;
  • Promoting early support and prevention;
  • Focussing on those areas where working together will make the biggest impact on children, young people and families;
  • Ensuring a multi-agency approach to continuous improvement;
  • Implementing a Workforce Development Strategy that builds the competence and confidence of our staff; and
  • Ensuring meaningful participation and engagement of children, young people and families.

The breadth and depth of the partnership work required to achieve wellbeing for all our children and young people is summarised within 3 overarching themes.  These priorities are set out within the Children’s Services Plan, each with a high-level outcome.  These are:

  • Prevention and Early Support - Children have the best start in life and are  supported to realise their   potential;
  • Health and Wellbeing - The health and wellbeing of children, young people is improved; and
  • Supporting Vulnerable Groups and Keeping Children Safe - The life chances of our children with additional support needs and our most vulnerable children and young people are improved.

The Partnership meets quarterly and membership consists of:

  • Police Scotland;
  • South Lanarkshire Council;
  • NHS Lanarkshire;
  • South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership;
  • South Lanarkshire Child Protection Committee;
  • Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA);
  • Skills Development Scotland; and
  • Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan) on behalf of voluntary sector organisations working with children and families).

Further information on the key priorities of the GIRFSLC Partnership are detailed within the GIRFSLC Partnership Improvement Plan.

Key document(s)