Home Thematic groups Children's Services Partnership Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC)

Children and Young People Improvement Collaborative (CYPIC)

Improvement Activity

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One of the benefits of the CYPIC is that we share our learning and learn from each other's experiences.  This page has examples of work from across South Lanarkshire Partnership.

We use a format called a Story Board Poster which allows us to have a similar way of presenting our improvement work.  In practice, this work feeds into service plans, school improvement plans and partnership programmes and is reported through this process.

We report on our improvement activity through the Continuous Improvement Group which is part of the Getting it Right for South Lanarkshire's Children Partnership arrangements.  Highlight reports are presented to the Strategy Group four times a year and once a year to the Community Planning Partnership Board.

Key document(s):

Learning Session Storyboard