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Youth Strategy Priorities

Priority 2 - Youth friendly services

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“Quality service is important to me and to feel valued”
(young person aged 18).


Providing services for young people is not enough; environments need to be attractive and welcoming to young people.  However some young people are excluded, isolated or unable to participate in services as they would wish to due to circumstance and situation.


We will act to ensure that services reach the young people that need them and at times that they need them. 


Key issues:

Cost and accessibility

We will work with service providers and young people to minimise cost of access and address accessibility issues.


Transport to facilities

We will continue to support young people to raise concerns about transport issues with partners, and explore ways in which services can be delivered to address transport issues.


Opening times

We will work with service providers to review service times to better reflect the needs of service users.


Location of facilities

We will continue to engage with young people and partners to ensure that young people have a say in the development of new facilities and that partners take account of location when delivering services.


Getting a good service

With young people, we will seek to monitor customer satisfaction and experiences to ensure quality of service delivery.


Information on activities

We will improve and extend current ways of informing young people of activities and services to take better account of young peoples’ needs and participation issues. 

Housing and Homelessness

We will support young people and Services to provide options and assistance that address young people’s needs.

Good practice:

Through youth surveys and continued working with young people, it was shown that over 80% of young people wanted to be informed about services online through services such as Facebook and Twitter.  As a result of this over 6,000 are now engaged directly with services and information, influencing decision in service delivery, and this number continues to grow.


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