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Youth Strategy Priorities

Priority 5 - Included in decision making

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“it feels good when you suggest something when making decisions and your idea is included.  And even if it isn’t, it’s important to know that you at least had a say.”  (young person aged 15).


Young people have the right to be involved in decisions that affect them and their community and know the importance of being listened to.


As developing young adults, through inclusion in decision making, young people have the opportunity to better understand their role and responsibility whilst developing their awareness of democratic processes.  


We will ensure that there is real engagement between partners and service users.

Key issues:

Included in decision making

We will review the ways in which young people are supported to participate in decision making, to improve access and opportunities and increase participation.


Awareness of opportunities

We will improve and extend current ways of informing young people of opportunities to participate in decisions being made, to ensure equal opportunities.

Right to be included

We will support service providers understand their duty to involve young people in the design and evaluation of service delivery.


Respected member of the community

We will ensure partners recognise and promote young people’s participation and achievements in the media and local communities.


Able to make a difference

We will review current methods to ensure that engagement is meaningful and effective, and that it delivers against the National Community Engagement Framework.

Good practice

Scottish Youth Parliament Elections 2013.

Over 2,000 young people voted in the 2013 Scottish Youth Parliament elections using their National Entitlement Card. 

29 candidates stood for election to 9 posts with over 3,000 votes being cast. 

Over the last 3 years, South Lanarkshire Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament have not only led the development of the Scottish Youth Parliament, they have presented petitions to the Scottish Government, researched the views of young people in South Lanarkshire and represented them across Scotland and the UK.


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