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Youth Strategy Priorities

Priority 4 - Youth rights and responsibilities

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“Because being able to have a say in something is very important and u should be listened to and have rights”.  (young person, aged 13).


Young people are a key talent in our communities, contributing through their volunteering, their concerns for their community and through speaking up on what they care about.


We will continue to equip young people with the skills and confidence to exercise their rights as responsible members of their community. 


Key issues:

Youth rights

We will promote young people's rights and ensure that young people are fully aware of their rights.  Through training and support, young people will better understand the key role they play in society.


Having your say and being listened to   

We will review the processes of participation for young people and promote the positive contribution made by young people to increase opportunities for young people to raise their issues. 
Positive images

We will positively promote young people in their communities and in the media to celebrate their successes and key role in the life of our communities.


Active in the community

We will address barriers to participation in the life of the community and seek to develop more opportunities to participate.



We will work with young people, communities and service providers to address and challenge local environmental issues.



We will continue to support young people to challenge this issue as responsible members of their community.


Good practice


8,064 young people have volunteered for 30 hours or more within their communities, being involved in community clean ups, supporting youth work provision, mentoring young people in sports and activities, supported intergenerational work and advocated on behalf of their peers.

Through this activity, young volunteers have developed new skills, realised their potential, gained valuable work experience and actively contributed to the life of their local communities.

650 have received awards for their efforts including Millennium Volunteer Awards of 50, 100 and 200 hours volunteering, Youth Achievement Awards at Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

As presented by YouthLink Scotland, the national agency for Youth Work in Scotland, through independent study on the Social Return on Investment of volunteering, for every £1 spent, the social return is equivalent to £13.  Over the last 3 years, this has equated to £1.93m return on the investment in volunteers.


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