Home Thematic groups Youth Partnership Youth Strategy Priorities

Youth Strategy Priorities

Measuring progress

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How will you know we have delivered?

The South Lanarkshire Youth Strategy is successful because robust measures for monitoring and evaluating progress are used and new measures developed as required.  We will continue to use this approach as well as introduce new approaches, linking directly to the South Lanarkshire Council’s Plan “Connect”, the Scottish Government’s Strategic Guidance for Community Planning Partnerships: Community Learning and Development, and the Requirements for CLD (Scotland) Regulations (2013).


You will know how well we are doing because in future:

• There will be increased impact of services on the life chances of young people
• There will be improved life chances for young people
• There will be increased representation of young people in their communities
• More young people will be accessing health and wellbeing support
• More young people will be able to access services
• More young people will be getting service information
• More young people will be accessing training/learning opportunities, apprenticeships and qualifications to support their journey into the world of work 
• More young people will be contributing to planning locally and nationally


We will report progress through the following processes:

• Regular meetings involving service providers and the Council Spokesperson for Youth regarding targets.
• Two meetings per year involving young people and service providers to discuss priorities and progress.
• Regular update reports to the Corporate Connections Board – Youth Theme Partnership.
• Publication of annual reports based on annual action plans
• The use of nationally recognised quality indicators.
• The monitoring of uptake in priority development areas.
• Education Scotland CLD Strategic Implementation Group.


For further information about the Youth Strategy please email: contact@southlanarkshirecommunityplanning.org